Interesting thing about living here . . .

You get to give security clearance references on friends and neighbors.  How weird is that?

This morning I received a coritzone shot in my left knee where the arthritis is the worst.  Lots of fun– I hate the shot [almost] worse than the pain of the arthritis!  The worst part is that I have to ice it afterward and am not “allowed” to do a substantial amount of exercise.  Lovely.

Lexi probably suffered the most because of that– got the short walk loop and, with the heat, was none too happy about that.


One thought on “Interesting thing about living here . . .

  1. Boy, it’s hard to get to your comments. I already have a word press account, but I needed to sign up for another with a diff password to get in here. I hope that doesn’t mess up my other word press account.

    Oh, just wanted to say hi and glad to see you commenting again.

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