Not so much anymore! Saturday morning started with a hair cut at 8:30, a run to Joann’s and then back home in time to take Lexi to the vet. Then some sewing in between laundry loads. Saturday night, while I fended for myself, Lexi made me nervous. I’m usually not all that bad when I’m alone but Lexi, feeling the need to guard me, was a bit jumpier than usual, including barking at everything she could and then, running behind my legs to hide. Seriously.
Today I ran the grocery shopping with Brian so I could get a feel for what I’d want to have to eat for the next few weeks. I’m bored with cooking (I think that I mentioned that) so I’m trying to get excited by trying different things.
This afternoon, I went to “HandiQuilter Club” which was fun. It’s one of the perks of owning the machine– they have these meetings once a month or so– to show you tips and tricks and techniques. I know many of the functions of the machine but there’s always something new to learn.
Tonight Linda Rose came over for dinner and dessert and an episode of Babylon 5– we WILL get through this series, some day!
Back to work tomorrow . . . need more naps!!