Busy Weekend!

So, Saturday, I start out with a hair cut and then I’ve got to run an errand to pick up Diets to Go from a local fitness club. My friend isn’t able to use them this week and she couldn’t cancel so I said I’d get them (and eat them– I’ve been wanting to try them!). Then, I think I’m going to stop and get myself a pedicure– needed, trust me.

Sunday isn’t much better– Church in the morning, of course, and then in the afternoon, I have the Quilter’s Bible Study to attend. I’ll get some time for myself after I get home, if I have energy.

I also want to take pictures of more items for the website tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of stuff made up and just have to do thread snips, etc. (which I did tonight), in order to get them ready for the website.

So much to do, so little time to do it ALL in!