Remember the Beast?

When I purchased The Beast last month, it came with a “free” computer and a software program called “PEDesignNext” which is the Brother brand of software for machine embroidery. The email confirmation I received said to wait 30 days so I did. And then, some more days (not a lot . . . maybe 5 or 6) and I sent an email asking where my stuff was and when I could expect it. That was Tuesday (yes, as in two days ago).

Tonight, via UPS, I received the software– my how time flies, eh? Well, I’ve decided that if Rome wasn’t built in a day, I will surely not learn this software program in less than two hours so I’m knocking off for the night.

I’m actually quite tired as I don’t sleep well in the ends-of-quarter weeks and, that’s what we’re in of course. I have a 4-day weekend coming up next month so I’ll take some time to learn it then. Whew! No pressure here!!